Computer diagnostics of problems of the spine and musculoskeletal system

Highly qualified specialists perform computer diagnostics of problems of the spine and the musculoskeletal system using an ultra-modern optical apparatus of German production ‘DIERS’ at the IEM Clinic.

The study is not associated with the use of radiation exposure and is absolutely safe.

Examination and analysis of the condition of all joints and muscles using ‘DIERS’equipment will help to identify even the smallest deviations and problem areas of your body, and will also help to determine the causes of their occurrence.

Based on the results obtained, a set of exercises is developed that will eliminate the existing dysfunction.

During the examination, gait, posture in motion and in a static position are analyzed, the presence of a deformity of the arch of the foot is determined and it is determined whether you need special shoes.

The examination will determine the quality and quantity of changes in the body structure, and a personally designed set of exercises will help increase the mobility of large and small joints, restore the anatomically correct curves of the spine, and slow down the formation of deposits on the articular surfaces.

Such examination will help prevent the development of kyphosis or scoliosis, determine an adequate load during sports and training for young people.